
9 Terrible Things That Can Happen to You on Public Wi-Fi!

6) Identity Theft

Identity theft has to be one of the cruelest things a hacker can do to you, but to a cyber thief you’re just another payday. The Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), is a nationally recognized non-profit organization focusing on identity theft. The ITRC recently published a paper containing the results of its Public Wi-Fi Usage in public places. The survey showed that ¾ of the respondents had used Public Wi-Fi in coffee shops/restaurants. The survey aimed to measure the level of knowledge and usage of public Wi-Fi. The ITRC conducted this survey in order to better understand how consumers perceive and use public Wi-Fi. “While technology seems to be making all of our lives easier, it can also leave us open to unsafe practices in exchange. Many people do not realize that using the Internet at your local café can lead to identity theft,” said Nikki Junker, Social Media Manager for the ITRC.