
9 Hidden Locations in Florida

Wreck bar

9) Wreck Bar at B Ocean Resort

Fort Lauderdale has a lot of things to see and do. One of the interesting things you can do while visiting Fort Lauderdale is to visit the Wreck Bar at B Ocean Resort. The Wreck Bar features large aquariums and offers views into the Main Pool. You may have to do a double take when you think you saw something resembling a mermaid swim past your window. You may think you’ve had way too much to drink and now you are beginning to see things. This may not actually be the case. This bar offers its patrons a live show, which happens to feature dancing mermaids. Just as exciting as the mermaid show is the luau dancers and fire-eaters. Every performance is just as good as the others. You will thoroughly enjoy them all. So, make your way to the B Ocean Resorts, Wreck Bar, for an exciting live show.