
11 Ways People Get Seriously Hurt on Vacation!

7) Pool and Hot Tub Accidents

Oftentimes, when people go on vacation, they spend some time by the pool. Swimming can, after all, be a nice way to unwind at the end of the day. But people don’t often consider that these environments can be dangerous if you are not careful. Wet surfaces may be slippery, so it is important not to run by a pool. If you fall, you may end up with bruises or worse. According to Science Daily, as of 2009, lacerations were the most common pool or hot tub injury. With hot tubs in particular, you should make sure you are not overheating. Additionally, you should try not to swim alone. If something were to happen to you while by a pool, you may need someone to pull you out. You should always heed any warning signs, such as instructions not to run or dive.