
10 Best Places to Live In New York

white plains

4) White Plains

There is something that older folks know, and younger people will eventually learn, when it comes to finding a place to live and raise a family. It’s that sometimes, the best thing a home town can have to offer is not offering as much as other towns. People want places to go and shop, be entertained and otherwise find enjoyable things to do. And of course there are the essentials, such as good schools and medical care. Many people desire to have those needs and wants taken care of, without living in a virtual circus. White Plains fits that bill. It isn’t boring, but it doesn’t have the glam of New York City, or the art scene found in other parts of the state. It has those things, but in much lower doses. What White Plains does have is that it is one of the best places to raise a family in the state. While not as exciting and headline grabbing as some things, it is a huge honor. White Plains is close enough to take advantage of all the city has to offer without having to live there.