In need of a vacation, but not prepared to blow your entire life savings to make it happen? Many people save for a year or more to afford a two-week holiday. If this sounds like you, don’t despair just yet. The standards have changed. We’ve found 9 destinations that will give you the most bang for your buck. Travel and live like a king in some of the most popular holiday destinations in the world. The best part? You don’t have to sacrifice anything in order to have an all-out vacation. These places are so full of life, culture, attractions, and entertainment that you’ll never have a dull moment. (All prices in US$ as of July 2017; Boat and ferry transportation costs listed are one-way fares).
1) Bulgaria
Want to experience Europe without the expense of places like Italy or France? Eastern European countries are significantly cheaper than their western neighbors. For example, Bulgaria. It’s just as beautiful and historically rich as any other European country. Bulgaria’s landscape is gorgeous; the rugged mountainous landscape meets the Black Sea, creating striking coastal scenery. Bulgaria has a host of lovely sandy beaches and quaint villages. The Balkan and Mediterranean cultures blend together, creating a unique atmosphere and fresh, delicious food. Best of all, traveling Bulgaria is extremely affordable for the average American. In Varna, the largest seaside resort town, 3-star hotels are $45/night, and 4-star hotels are under $100. A bottle of wine at a restaurant will run you under $10; you can find the same in stores for $3. A nice meal for two is around $10-$14. This is the best taste of Europe on a budget!